US Timing and Conveyor

Project Description

US Timing and Conveyor needed a simple website design that effectively communicated their specialization in polyurethane timing belts.

Project Attribution

UI Design

Front-End Development

Photo Retouching

Project Link
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Project Notes
US Timing and Conveyor
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About the project

US Timing and Conveyor required a simplified website to showcase their specialization in specific types of polyurethane timing belts to their customers.

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The solution

I utilized Webflow as the CMS platform for crafting their website. This choice provided a range of tools to enhance the design and ensure mobile responsiveness.

The client also, sought the ability to attach technical datasheets to specific products, allowing customers to conveniently download PDFs for those products.

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The client expressed great satisfaction with the new website. The improved navigation enables customers to seamlessly explore their product offerings. The client anticipates that this online presence will lead to increased customer orders.

US Timing and Conveyor

Design & Developed by Lucas Gusso

Powered by Webflow